
Location: Northwestern Pennsylvania, United States

Welcome to my world, a modest little mix of art, writing, animals, and whatever else happens to catch my fancy at the moment...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

A Really Long Time

So I really have been away a long time - think I'll update a bit.
Didn't really expect to see any response, since I only posted a few things, eeons ago. Much to my surprise I had several coments. Of course, half of them were trying to sell me something, (porn and a college degree of my choice - some combo!) and another issued me an invitation to check out his (her?) blog, which I haven't managed yet. Maybe there's something for sale there too...

Anyhow, back to the only subject I've really mentioned here - critters. I'll try not to sicken any one with all my "pet-speak" - I realize that to many that's about as interesting sounding as a foray into the photo albums of somebody else's grandchildren. But anyhow.

So we just got a couple of new pets. One of our new additions is perhaps a tad unusual - but they seem to be growing in popularity. Anyway, we llove it (hint.) Such a fuzzy, cute critter, with huge blue eyes, two inch eyelashes, (bottom and top!) It hums, it hollers when it sees something suspicious, it hates the mud. But it is just totally adorable. We call him Dallai. Give up yet?

OK, I'll give - it's a llama. Such a sweet and gentle creature! I love him already and I've had him less than a week. Having a little containment problem at the moment - he keeps getting out of the pasture - but hope to have that solved shortly. Another string of wire going up today...

So this was a buy one (llama) get one (horse) free kind of deal. The horse is a little older, maybe 16 or 18, but a very sweet, well-mannered girl. Haven't ridden her yet but hope to today or tomorrow. It's just so damn rainy here today - everythings all sogged up. Drats.

Here's the funny thing. Our first horse, Pumpkin, is a quarter horse, quite orange, (chestnut) with a white blaze - beautiful mare, just not a real good looker, as I think I mentioned before. This new horse, also a quarter horse mare, also orange with a blaze, also named Pumpkin. Things are getting a bit confusing out here in the Patch!

But this horse is definitely a much better looker - as is Dallai. He's like a living periscope!

Well, we're still adjusting to everything and everyone... Today we plan to make the Big Introduction. The llama has been out with both horses, and of course, knew the new Pumpkin previously, so this is the intro for the two mares, together in the pasture for the first time. I'm a bit nervous, crossing my fingers that they've already settled any hierarchy issues in the barn! I'll keep you posted...