
Location: Northwestern Pennsylvania, United States

Welcome to my world, a modest little mix of art, writing, animals, and whatever else happens to catch my fancy at the moment...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Yeah!!! Glad to report, Keelie has made a full recovery!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Vomit and Vomitus

I wonder if there are others out here who, like me, see an awful lot of similarities between dogs and kids... not necessarily good or bad, just similar.

OK, some good, some bad. Today, not so good. I left early this morning for an hour or so, without my purse - and (also) without my dog, Keelie. My trusted companion, my guardian, my watchdog!

I came back to find a trail of stuff down the hallway, like children leaving marks on a trail so they can find their way back. Except of course, this was the dog and she wasnt exactly thinking ahead (I didnt say there weren't differences!) So I follow her trail. Its' definitely looking like she'd gotten into the garbage . . . until I saw that was untouched and looked again. Trail mix candy bar wrapper - wait, I hadn't ate that yet! Evidence of a pack of my favorite gum. Hey, that stuff was in my purse!

Keelie is not in sight, she knows better... (actually I think she thinks if she's hiding somewhere that she can't see me, then I can't see her!)

But I'm certainly seeing evidence -and this isn't good at all; the dog has gotten into my nicorettes, which were in my purse from the night before, in case I was tempted to smoke while I was out and about. Not good! I see at least 4 or 5 empty crinkled up packages that they come sealed in. I could tell they were her work from the teethmarks on the plastic. And I wondered if it were possible that she might have swollowed some whole. Now I'm getting really worried...

I look online, and learned 5 0r 6 of the 2 mg. size shouldn't kill her, but they wont do her any good, and what if she chewed more?

So I see a recommendation on a doggie poison control site to give a dog 3% Hydrogen peroxide for nicotine poisoning - get it out of their stomache, quick as possible. I called my vet to confirm, and then got the goods. I then, well, forced her to drink that stuff and took her outside to let her stir things up a bit. The idea is to get the dog to puke, ralph, throw up, regurgitate, - whatever your word for that wonderful reversal of fortune (cookies.) If you do that in time, you can get most of the nicotine out and perhaps spare the dog a stomache pumping - or even save its' life.

It didnt take right away, so I gave her a second dose And about 5 minutes later, as I was giving her the last of it, things started working a bit more effectively. Rather quickly this time, I might add. I ran with her, poor thing gagging, for the door. But just as we got there, she couldn't wait any longer. And that's when I got to use another thing I learned on the poison control site. There is actually a different word for puke the noun than for vomit the verb: vomitus. And there was quite an ample supply. Lots and lots of vomitus. Just inside the door, and quite colorful with red gum and white gum (if i'd only had blue it would have been patriotic vomitus.)

OK, disgusting post, I know, but that is how it is sometimes, with dogs!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Water Skiing Whale

The (almost) final result, tho I retain the right to re-do this rather quick "sketch-painting," along with adding an admission of a certain amount of TECHN-ILITERACY on my part, as I seem unable to crop this pic to fit correctly - but then, there you have it, such as it is!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Angry Whale

A few days ago I was on a painting expedition with my friend Mick. I had been doing yet another whale painting (part of an ongoing series I call "A Whale A Day") and having trouble making that day's subject matter (a waterskiing whale) look believeable. (Gee, why would that be hard to believe?!)

I was working out this problem with some sketches when, for whatever out-of -the-blue reason, I started telling him how angry I continued to be with a person I had once considered a friend, and how it seemed like every time I thought about the way she had "wronged" me, I just kept getting madder and madder.

Eventually I started paying attention to the expressions I was giving my water-skiing whales - and realized the whale I was working on when I was venting to Mick about my anger concerning my former friend, had an absolute expression of total anger on his face! (You might note it is the only unhappy whale in the whole pod of sketches!) Isn't that a scream?!!! I have to say, we howled a good long while over my Angry Whale!

(And now, for your amusement, my cathartic whale drawings...)

BTW - the whale on the top of the page is the Angry Whale; the one on the bottom is the one that I based the painting on...